April 1,2024
Happy Spring! This is the first fire update I am posting on the website. This will be the forum where I will post moving forward any Club 66 updates .You are welcome to email the Club at club66@rogers.com if you have any other questions.
The last two months , the Emergency Team hired by the Insurance Company has done a fantastic job cleaning up the Centre, helping to pack up the Centre and get organized for the restoration project. This was a lengthy project including taking pictures of anything thrown out or sent out for cleaning. Furniture was cleaned and put into Ozone Containment Units to remove the smoke smell. This was all done on site.
The report from the Richmond Hill Fire Department has not been received as of yet. The Fire Engineer for the Insurance Company has ruled out Electrical issues either with the Sauna Heater, Controller and Sauna lighting. I am unsure what started the fire and it may go undetermined which is not uncommon. As we receive more information, I will update everyone.
Everything at the Club has been moving well and in a timely manner. I am happy to report that all asbestos has been removed and this project completed. Please note in a 50 year old building asbestos is common and it only becomes an an issue when it is disturbed. The Fire Engineer for the Insurance Company has almost completed his report and the last touches to the drawings are being done as we speak. Once they are completed by next week , they are forwarded to the insurance company for review. At that point , the scope of work is generated and the Insurance Company sends the project out to tender. The permits are then applied for with the City, simultaneously. It may take some time to receive the permits. Once the permits are received and the company granted the job , the work begins on restoring the Centre. As of last week , the estimation to receive the permits was about 4 weeks ( this is an estimation and is out of Managements and the Board of Directors hands). Once the permits are received and the company is chosen by the insurance company, the work begins.
I have been asked on many occasions , ” what is being replaced and what will be done to the Club?” I wanted to address the present situation…
* The two changerooms will be fully re-done as the fire began in the men’s changeroom
*The Exercise rooms had a lot of water damage and they will be re-done as well. Some of of the equipment was ok and many pieces will be replaced.
*Flooring in the Lounge , Games Room , Hallways , Art Rooms , Changerooms , Lifeguard Office , Front Foyer, Vestibule, Kitchen (main floor) , Stairwells will all be replaced.
*Most Fire Doors will be replaced as they were damaged by the firefighters during the fire.
* Front Hallway ceiling stucco will be removed.
* The building will be fully painted.
*The windows and sliding door in the lifeguard office will be fully replaced.
*We are in the process of having the Heating/Airconditioning Roof Top Units evaluated to see if there has been any damage to them.
* The roof had quite a bit of damage . We are unsure if the entire roof will be replaced or most of it. We are awaiting the drawings and the Fire Engineers Report.
I also wanted to update everyone on the Pool. I am doing everything to have the pool open this Summer. I have had a positive phone meeting with the York Region/Richmond Hill Pool Inspector and we will be meeting this week. The building would not be accessible to the pool users but we would bring a portable shower and washroom on site. I will keep you posted…
I think this is it for now…when I have more updates, they will be posted. Please check in next week.
Have a great week ,