
frequently asked questions

Q: Who owns the club?

A: You do-and 649 other neighbouring residents in the 4 condominium corporations that form the Baif Garden Community. The Yonge North Recreation Centre (name on title) is considered a common element under the condominium’s articles of incorporation. Residents enjoy its benefits as part of their owner entitlements.

Q: Who runs the club?

A: The club is managed by a Management Committee. Its representatives are appointed by the Board of Directors of each condominium corporation. To be a member, residents must be elected to the Board of Directors first.

The club is operated by a management company. Taylex Recreation Management Services Inc. Its principles are Staci Ulrich and Howie Dayton.

Taylex hires the club staff who manage the office, plan and deliver the programs and events, repair the building and manage the finances to name a few. Taylex has 20 years of experience in the condominium recreation management business.

Q: Can I get involved?

A: YES! Whether as a participant in a program, event, or trip or as a volunteer in leading a group, calling Bingo, loading the bus, etc….we appreciate and strive for a full resident engagement at the club!

Q: What if I have an idea?

A: Share it! We appreciate comments and suggestions at any time. If you have a program, club, trip or event idea-Staci is our lead programmer and has implemented many ideas very successfully.

Q: How is the club financed?

A: The club is financed mainly through maintenance fees. A small portion of your monthly fee goes to support the club’s operation  including:

  • utilities
  • Staffing
  • Free programs, activities, events
  • Supplies & equipment
  • building repairs and renovations
  • Club reserve fund
  • Swimming pool/lifeguards

The average resident pays $31.00/month to support the club or $375.00 per year for a building operating 7 days/week. The annual budget is reviewed and approved by the management committee and reflects input from the respective corporation boards of directors.

Suggestions from residents are brought forward each year to the management committee where they have a budget implication to ensure they are affordable.

Q: Building upgrades-how do you plan what to improve each year?

A: The club has a reserve fund study done every 3 years and it helps to prioritize our reserve fund expenses, how much to save and then there are non-reserve fund improvements the management committee will decide to do from time to time, as funds allow and based on input we receive from residents during the year. Recent renovations include:

  • Lounge and games room renovations
  • Weight room equipment
  • Change room renovations and sauna replacements

Other suggestions about the club, its hours, equipment etc. can also be shared in writing at or by visiting us in the office.

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